Winning consumer shopper's heart by @ariefshopper
Blogpost ini merupakan kompilasi tweet dengan tagar #ShopperReseach.
Super thx to Bu Sri Daryanti atas tweet nya dan Pak Arief E. Rahman, Sr Manager Shopper Practice APMEA Nielsen Indonesia. Meski bukan anak UI dan gak kenal orang-orang ini, tapi super makasih buat ilmunya :D
Terdapat dua konsep: Brand Marketing dan Shopper Marketing. Brand marketing: deals with demand creation. Shopper marketing: deals with anything related to purchase impuls. Shopper marketing's main task is to ensure consumer's demand (the output of Brand Marketing) turns into profit. Great brand marketinginvestment may or may not turn into purchase, because there are many challenges in shopping floor.
Shopper marketing is about communication activities at point of purchase,targeted at subsconcious level of shopper's mind. It is about : Presence, navigation, confirmation. Tools:displays,POP,in-store promo&activation,sampling Result:purchase, more.
Brand Marketing ask 4: awareness,comprehension,desire to brand. Tools: TVC,brand event,ad,Result:TOM,preference,desire. Brand/Mktng Consumer berada pd tahap pre-store dan consumption. Sedangkan Shopper Marketer berada pada tahap in-store.
Studi kasus:
Let's talk about the shopping case:snack,yg memiliki variasi yg banyak,sehingga kemungkinan disruption saat ditoko utk brandswitch. Saat di toko,ada bbg macam cara dr shopper marketer utk men-disrupsation kepala konsumen utk membeli suatu brand\switch. Shopper mkting executed (mostly) by sales team,communication to people as purchasers, trigger immediate purchase impulse. Some key terms in shopper mrktg:in-store promo,planogram,SKU,Shopping mission and basket,modern/general trade,end gondola. Sedangkan packaging design dan usage behavior adl terms yg berada pada irisan domain:brand marketer jg shopper marketer.
Premise-premise dalam Shopping Behavior
Premise 1:
Immediate surrounding affect human's subconcious mindset.Human beings act differently and different social and spatial settings. Environmental aspects:each social&spatial space triggers different subsconcious aspect.Co:susunan rak,sepi/ramainya toko.
Premise 2:
Subsconcious mindset affect attention span and top of mind recall.Tantangan bg marketer adl mmbuat nyaman konsumen. Main tasks of shopper marketer:take the challenge,get theAction,induce behavior,result:optimize shopping basket+buy more.
Insight from#ShopperReseach is to be used for in-store merchandising,to triggers immediate awareness,intention to purchase. Terdapat banyak distractors di dalam toko terhadap shoppers.Di dalam toko yg trjadi adalah komunikasi intrapersonal & artefak dg barang2 toko.
Shopper habitat as context for#ShopperReseach. Hrs ada pembedaan antara komunikasi pre-store dan komunikasi in-store, shg bersinergi. Data colection in #ShopperReseach: a. what shoppers actually do (see,touch,hold,sniff,shake,etc):aisle observ,video,aisle exit intercept.
Technologies are important in#ShopperReseach: a. record the shoper in-store: video ethnoghraphy, in-store heat map, what shoppers see and fee: by mobile eye-tracking, neuro testing, shopping smulation by virtual store as virtual shopper.
Shopping Mission/Pola Belanja
Super thx to Bu Sri Daryanti atas tweet nya dan Pak Arief E. Rahman, Sr Manager Shopper Practice APMEA Nielsen Indonesia. Meski bukan anak UI dan gak kenal orang-orang ini, tapi super makasih buat ilmunya :D
Terdapat dua konsep: Brand Marketing dan Shopper Marketing. Brand marketing: deals with demand creation. Shopper marketing: deals with anything related to purchase impuls. Shopper marketing's main task is to ensure consumer's demand (the output of Brand Marketing) turns into profit. Great brand marketinginvestment may or may not turn into purchase, because there are many challenges in shopping floor.
Shopper marketing is about communication activities at point of purchase,targeted at subsconcious level of shopper's mind. It is about : Presence, navigation, confirmation. Tools:displays,POP,in-store promo&activation,sampling Result:purchase, more.
Brand Marketing ask 4: awareness,comprehension,desire to brand. Tools: TVC,brand event,ad,Result:TOM,preference,desire. Brand/Mktng Consumer berada pd tahap pre-store dan consumption. Sedangkan Shopper Marketer berada pada tahap in-store.
Studi kasus:
Let's talk about the shopping case:snack,yg memiliki variasi yg banyak,sehingga kemungkinan disruption saat ditoko utk brandswitch. Saat di toko,ada bbg macam cara dr shopper marketer utk men-disrupsation kepala konsumen utk membeli suatu brand\switch. Shopper mkting executed (mostly) by sales team,communication to people as purchasers, trigger immediate purchase impulse. Some key terms in shopper mrktg:in-store promo,planogram,SKU,Shopping mission and basket,modern/general trade,end gondola. Sedangkan packaging design dan usage behavior adl terms yg berada pada irisan domain:brand marketer jg shopper marketer.
Premise-premise dalam Shopping Behavior
Premise 1:
Immediate surrounding affect human's subconcious mindset.Human beings act differently and different social and spatial settings. Environmental aspects:each social&spatial space triggers different subsconcious aspect.Co:susunan rak,sepi/ramainya toko.
Premise 2:
Subsconcious mindset affect attention span and top of mind recall.Tantangan bg marketer adl mmbuat nyaman konsumen. Main tasks of shopper marketer:take the challenge,get theAction,induce behavior,result:optimize shopping basket+buy more.
Insight from
Shopper habitat as context for
--Teknik Shopper Research: what shoppers actually bought (category,brand SKU), home-research, etc
Technologies are important in
Shopping Mission/Pola Belanja
- belanja rutin (bulanan),
- top-up,
- meals for today,
- for a special event,
- immediate consumption,
- emenrgency shopping,
- special offer,
- leisure shopping