Something about “He’s just not that Into You"
Just watched “He’s just not that into you” again after my friend copied it into my flash disk. I think I’ve already watched it a time before, maybe at LFM, but that’s not the point. The point is that the film reminds me again about what should be look at a marriage. And somehow, I relate this to my previous thought in this afternoon about if you have 4 sister who already have child, u suppose to have a sample what you should do to raise a child if u have any later on. This thought also can be applied as the message of the film: a marriage.
People said, a person, can be in love with someone, and made a quite long-term relationship, but it never ensure that the people that have been with you during the time will end with you forever. It doesn’t mean always like that anyway. I have friends who have been involved in long-term relationship also ended in marriages on the other hand I also have friends who are not. But things (I think) I learned are that even a long-term relationship doesn’t have to be ended at a marriage and there are some long-term relationships that never mean to be ended at it. Well, its good knowing if someone looking for a serious relation vice versa, but if you –somehow- feeling uncertain at the end, I don’t think going to the next level will be a best idea unless both of you look over at your relationship again. Just be sure, use your logic, and never put aside your heart
People said, a person, can be in love with someone, and made a quite long-term relationship, but it never ensure that the people that have been with you during the time will end with you forever. It doesn’t mean always like that anyway. I have friends who have been involved in long-term relationship also ended in marriages on the other hand I also have friends who are not. But things (I think) I learned are that even a long-term relationship doesn’t have to be ended at a marriage and there are some long-term relationships that never mean to be ended at it. Well, its good knowing if someone looking for a serious relation vice versa, but if you –somehow- feeling uncertain at the end, I don’t think going to the next level will be a best idea unless both of you look over at your relationship again. Just be sure, use your logic, and never put aside your heart

A marriage is base on a need of each other. I think if we’ve been growing up, we’ll gonna understand the feel of needing and be needed by someone. We can define a will to have him/her forever as a momentary desire or logical-emotional intuition (love is never completely logic, you know:P) . It’s a trust, it’s futures that want to be built together, and yes, it’s a commitment.
Once upon a time everyone absolutely would ask: “do I want a marriage (right now)?” Ready or not-ready thing is dependent. Some people gonna say “You’ll never be ready unless you try. Coz the most important thing is that you face it. You’ll be ready once you go through in it, “ and others will say: “Well, just don’t do it! How you’ll sail a boat that you’ve never known the destination yet?” So, ready and not-ready, is all yours 

Once upon a time everyone absolutely would ask:
“Do I want a marriage (right now)?”

Your soul mate is anybody’s husband/wife? Trust me, it happens to some of us, even to someone around me. It’s acceptable yet deniable. If you can strongly bear in the situation, go on it, but if you’re not and you’re not sure where this feeling will be going on, just step back. Being the third person never been easy, never been right (unless the marriage-person do really have a problem in their marriage). If the person does have a problem in the previous marriage, a divorce would be an answer and he/she can continue with “the one”, hopefully they are gonna ended in happily ever-after; but if he/she doesn’t, there’ll be 2 choices: one who believe in poligami, the other who don’t believe in poligami and not having reasons to have divorce HAVE TO keep the current situation and strive on it. For me, the second one is not a choice (if you pick it as your answer). It’s necessity, obviously an obligation.
But if you’ve met someone, happy, and you have nothing to be afraid of as long as you have she/him beside, you know that you want to build your future with she/him and somehow accept she/him however he/she ever be, be glad, coz it is the one. They don’t come in a certain age for sure. You can be very young when it come on the other hand you can be old enough too when you go through on it.
Four people: Janine, Ann, Beth, and Gigi (and surprisingly I also have 4 sisters) represent sides of people’s reason for getting married. I think world best marriage –relative to everybody- never build on a commitment which (has) to be happened because of age urge, time limitation relation/age, distrust, and affair.
Hope you all who read this (including me, amin
) have the best marriage in the world and the best person in the world as your life companion

Ps: the “raising child thing” will be written down later